As a foundation with 10 employees our largest impact on social (as outlined in the international Bill on Human Rights), environmental and climate issues as well as anti-corruption issues are linked to our largest commercial investments and our annual donations.
In Lauritzen Fonden, our largest commercial investments are placed in J. Lauritzen A/S (where Lauritzen Bulkers is the primary operative activity) and DFDS A/S – and as a commercial foundation, our largest social responsibility footprint is thus located with these companies. Both companies have joined the UN’s Global Compact and have thus committed themselves to integrating the UN’s ten principles for responsible business operations in their business strategy and operations.
Both subsidiaries operate within shipping and logistics, from which there are specific risks in connection with their work in relation to human rights, the environment, and the climate, as well as anti-corruption. The companies have procedures to assess these risks and thus develop their policies and procedures accordingly to manage these risks.
Read more about DFDS’ corporate responsibility here
Read more about J. Lauritzen’s corporate responsibility here
Read more about Lauritzen Bulkers’ corporate responsibility here
In addition to the Foundation’s subsidiaries, Lauritzen Fonden has also invested in the Nordic Microfinance Initiative’s (NMI) newest foundation for financial inclusion and microfinance.
Lauritzen Fonden’s distribution of grants are in accordance with our foundation charter and ensure implementation of the our grant strategy in various ways.
Lauritzen Fonden aims to incorporate the SDGs in our work and activities. Established in 2015 by the United Nations, the SDGs present a roadmap for the world to move towards a more sustainable future for all. The 17 SDGs and 169 targets effectively point in a direction of moving forward and address the global challenges we face, including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace, and justice.
The objective for Lauritzen Fonden’s contribution to the SDGs are;
With our strategic focus being on vulnerable children and youth, we seek to contribute to the SDGs, within the following goals: Quality Education (goal 4), Decent work and Growth (goal 8) and Partnerships for goals (goal 17) which match the foundations work and activities.
They reflect and underline: