Lauritzen Fonden’s grant strategy is based on the foundation charter and a vision to support children and youth’s opportunities to become active and contributing members of society in Denmark.
By focusing on the areas of well-being and general education we seek to support initiatives and projects that facilitate children and youth’s a way into education and employment. The grant strategy is implemented through donations and collaborations that enables a greater impact of the foundation’s funds.
Lauritzen Fonden wants to:
The foundation has a historic background and special interest in the cities of Ribe, Esbjerg/Fanø, Helsingør, Aalborg and Frederikshavn. These cities as well as Svendborg and Ærø are a primary target for our activities.
All relevant applications are reviewed in the grant committee who then gives its recommendations to the board of directors – the final approving authority.
As a commercial foundation we also seek to enhance and develop Danish shipping and enterprise. As part of the grant strategy employee’s children are supported with student grants and Lauritzen Group Employees are able to receive support for their volunteer work. In addition, the foundation supports children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the founder Ditlev Lauritzen
We focus on children and youth from low-income households because they suffer from a disadvantage when it comes to equal opportunities in life, they have a hard time finding their way through the educational system and thus lack connection to the job market in adulthood. Approximately 8 % of children and youth in Denmark grow up in low-income households.
Studies show that this group often:
That these children often have a more difficult path through life not only affects the individual but also society as a whole. It can lead to more inactive adults not being able to obtain the same possibilities of contributing to society.